Monday, July 11, 2022

Be Worried About "Red Flag Laws"

 Our dementia addled President has signed a new federal gun control bill.

One particular part of it worries me.  This, as quoted on Fox News "The bill would provide funding for states to create programs that could keep weapons away from people who are a danger to themselves or others, often called red flag laws."

That may sound good to many folks, but are they aware of the implications and potential for abuse and misuse of a red flag law.  Some states already have them.  Here is the simple explanation:  An individual feels that another person is a danger to that individual or to themselves, and indicates that that other person has guns. The petition goes to a judge, who will rubber stamp it and law enforcement is then called upon to remove the guns from the individual's possession.  After the removal of the guns there will be hearings to determine  if that individual is in deed a danger to the other person, or anyone for that matter.  

If the person is not deemed a danger, then they can get their guns back, maybe, or after a long drawn out process.

So, let's see what transpires.  A person has property confiscated, solely based on the statement of another, and with no hearing up front.  Hmmm, I smell a bunch of abusive filings coming up.  Ya don't think so?  How about protection orders. Sounds like guilty before being proven innocent. Yes, there may be valid reasons for some, but how many folks have misused the system just because they don't like somebody or are angry with them?  How many divorces have one parent or the other claiming the other parent sexually abused the child(ren) just to make life difficult on them, have them branded as deviates and then aftr long drawn out processes proven that they didn't do anything wrong?

How could that happen with a red flag law and guns?  Easy.  Not all neighbors get along.  Joe is upset because of the way Bill's tree is overhanging into his yard.  Bill tells Joe to kiss off.  Joe thinks to himself, "Aha, I know how to fix him, he owns guns, I'll just go down to the court and say I feel threatened by him.  Then he can fight to prove that he is innocent of the allegations.

I can see other scenarios creating red flag laws.  They pass one for booze and driving.  So, ya go to court, say your neighbor gets boozed up and drives and the authorities come out and confiscate their car, until they can prove the allegation is false.

A real, slippery slope here.