Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Shawnee City Council - No More Rubber Stamping - They Care

 In case you haven't heard, at the July 25th City Council meeting the council voted for a 2 mil decrease in property taxes.  This new council does care about the citizens.  

No longer will the Council be a rubber stamp for a city manager.  At the meeting, the city manager had a presentation showing only a 1/2 mil levy reduction.  Ironically, at the previous council committee meeting the council was very specific about wanting a 2 mil levy decrease.  So, what happened?  The city manager in an insubordinate manner went ahead and presented the 1/2 mil levy decrease.  This is probably a method that he learned from his predecessor.  She did what she wanted and the council just blindly rubber stamped it.  Up until 7 months ago the council that was in place was basically a rubber stamp for the city manager also.  That all changed with the election of the new council.

Basically what it boils down to is that the current city manager needs to realize he works for the council, not the other way around.  Actually, IMHO he needs to go bye-bye.

This council is showing that it does care for the citizens.  It is not adverse to spending money, it just wants to do it in a reasonable manner and not just to ingratiate itself with a select few, but rather it does truly care about the citizens of the city.