Thursday, August 04, 2022

$32 Million Right Down the Tubes

I'm sick and tired of the BS generated by the Democrats.

That's right, the Mueller investigation has filed its final expense report.  $32 million shot to s**t based on what was a phoney dossier.  $32 million shot to s**t by that info being financially supported by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC

What about the NY Times columnist who was unmerciful in his blasts about Donald Trump who has now had to publicly admit, that yes, it was all a hoax.

What about the lies told by the current administration?  How about the one that Donald Trump did nothing about COVID?  Said it before, will say it again. Where would we be if he didn't start Operation Warp Speed?  And that senile old man (Biden) trying to take credit for it.

What about our dementia driven President going begging to the Arab world for more oil?  And they basically told him to stick it in his ice cream cone.  We didn't have that problem with Trump.  Trump didn't shut down pipelines or cancel drilling leases

It has been pointed out by Tulsi Gabbard that while Steve Bannon has been found guilty of contempt of Congress, Clapper, Brennan and others that lied to congress have never been prosecuted.  The Dems weaponization of the DOJ  continues at full throttle.  They condone the riots, arsons and assassinations of LEOs.  Why?  Because it fits their anti-American, anti-Democratic socialist ideas.  

They want to have complete control over your children's minds from Kindergarten on up.

Free speech?  The Dems give lip service to it, but it only matters to them if the speech follows their dictates.   How many Republicans/Conservatives have been shut down from speaking at various venues?  How many have been physically attacked (like Rep. Zeldin in NY)?  How many have been chased out of social situations?  And all of this with the tacit and sometimes overt encouragement of Dem "leaders" like Pelosi, Schumer, Waters and even Uncle Joe Biden.  Is he related to Uncle Joe Stalin?  

All those who voted for Biden and all of the other radical left wing, anti-American, lying to the public Dems, I hope you are happy with how they are  working to destroy this country.  And if your boss gives you a raise will it keep pace with inflation?  What does your grocery bill look like?

Elections are coming.  If they are Dem and in office they have to be elected out.  If they are Dem and trying to get into office, they need to be losers at the ballot box.

My last question for today, is one I've asked before:  Would Putin have attacked Ukraine if Trump were President?

Oh, and regarding gun control..........and the possibility of banning certain weapons, what a joke.  When the previous ban was allowed to sunset in 2004 FBI statistics even showed that for the 10 years the ban was in effect it had no appreciable effect on violent crime.  Anybody who thinks a criminal or somebody who wants to create a horrific event is going to care about some stupid law that will only negatively impact law abiding citizens, is in a dreamworld.

We have to start right here by insuring that the Biden Butt Kisser Sharice Davids does not get reeleccted.