Sunday, January 29, 2023

Mayor Distler Eats Shoe Leather

 Oh yeah, our mayor really put her foot in her mouth this time.   Check out page 2 of the Spring 2023 City Line magazine.  Then take a look at page 7.

Note that our self indulgent mayor made this item pretty much about herself.  Here is what happened.  The city put out a contract to get new branding.  Basically, to get rid of the naked tree and the tag line "Good starts here."

The mayor appointed a panel to review what the contractor submitted.  Naturally she was the top dog on the panel.  She appointed six long term residents/lifetime residents to the panel, who also happened to be city employees.  Hmmmm, could their evaluations be influenced by intimidation of the top dog?  Two of the panel members were associated with the chamber management.  And then there was one "real" person.

Well, our arrogant self serving mayor was so confident that the council would rubberstamp the "panel's" recommendation that she had the info published in the City Line and was going to make it the basis of her State of the City presentation.  Surprise, surprise, madam mayor, the council was not exactly pleased with your choice.  The item was tabled and has not been approved.

When will a retraction be posted on the city's web site that the article is wrong?  Or will our sneaky mayor try to leave it up on line with no explanation?

There is alot wrong with the design and I plan on addressing the issues when it comes up before the council again.  Come to the meeting when it happens.