Sunday, January 22, 2023

Shawnee PD & FD To See Substantial Pay Increases

 Every couple of years reviews are done for the city's compensation plans.

Prior to the most recent review the city council indicated a strong desire that our FD & PD see substantial increases both in starting pay and in the pay for position advancement.

This has been done and should have two positive effects.  Effect number one would be in attracting highly qualified individuals, especially for the PD.  There have been many individuals applying in recent years but the numbers of folks found to be unqualified were high.  Also, going forward one thing we don't need to see is qualified individuals leave Shawnee for other cities that pay more.

Shawnee prides itself in having highly qualified individuals in both our PD & FD.  The appropriate pay adjustments should help to both attract and keep more of those types of individuals.

Smart move on the part of the city.  Now this is money well spent.