Monday, February 27, 2023

Mayor Distler's Narcissistic S++t Show

 Ah yes, our illustrious mayor put on a great display of narcissism at the annual state of the city address last Thursday.

While she did mention various accomplishments by various city departments she left out a few important things related to the council.  How about the fact that the council voted to reduce the mill levy by two mill?  Or the fact that all except one of the city fees were voted to be frozen with no increase?  Or the fact that our PD and FD pay scales have been adjusted for both starting and then for advancement.

Over half of her speech was dedicated to "how great she was and how she loves Shawnee".  Her only mention of the council was that they had not approved her "theme" as the new logo, but more about that in another post.

Her narciscissism really played out in her dedication to the late Keven Fern.  Kevein was a fantastic member of the community.  What I found outrageous is that every picture she had up there of Kevin had her in it.  With all the things that Kevin had done for Shawnee, other pics, without her, couldn't be found?