Sunday, April 02, 2023

Mayor Distler's Hypocrisy Knows No Limits

 At the beginning of each council meeting Mayor distler reads a litany of things that folks cannot do/say at a meeting.  This is based on info from Policy Statement 7 (PS-7).  That policy statement even goes so far as to say how members of the council need to act.  To be respectful of other members of the council, yada, yada, yada.

So, what does our hypocritical mayor do at a recent council meeting?  She referred to the council as "shady", "sneaky", "unethical" and "not supportive of staff".  Hmmmm, who is going to "gavel her down"?  Very hypocritical for someone who was arrested for felony perjury to refer to the council in that manner (the first three items).  Folks need to read the affidavit from the DA's office requesting the arrest warrant and see for themselves how many different stories our illustrious mayor came up with regarding her actions.  Folks just might have that opportunity in the not too distant future.  

As for being supportive of staff, the council supports staff.  What the mayor wants, is for the council to rubber stamp everything that staff submits.  That is not what the council is supposed to do.  The council sets policy and is supposed to review what staff prepares, and if they feel it is appropriate to suggest other possible  courses of actions.