Tuesday, July 04, 2023

It's July 4th and Time to "God Bless America"

 OK, I'm gonna say it.......today is the 247th Anniversary of the greatest country on earth.  Do we have our problems?  Sure, who doesn't. By the same token I am getting sick and tired of those individuals that desire to tear our country down.  Those who belong to the "cancel culture" the "woke" mobs and definitely those that try to turn this country into a socialist institution.  And last but not least, those supposed educators, who, instead of teaching the three R's (reading, riting and rithmatic....showing my age) are trying to indoctrinate our youth with some of the most abhorrent philosophies ever imagined.

Yes, this is the greatest country on earth, and no other country can compare to it.  And those who don't believe it are free to try and see what it is like in other parts of the world.  Not just fancy vacation spots, but everyday living.  And I might also add, many out there need to consider signing up for some time with our military to defend what has been won with the blood, sweat and tears of those who have gone before us.