Monday, July 24, 2023

Transgender Brainwashing and Young Children

 OK, it was going to come out of my mouth eventually.  Why not now?

All of this stuff about teachers "educating" young children about transgenderism is starting to get to me.

This is absolutely pure out and out brainwashing and manipulation of young minds.  And remember, these so called educators don't want the parents to be involved.

A young child, can, IMHO, really be guided down the road that these folks are trying to lead them.  First, they are an authority figure.  Next, are they making it sound like something these kids might want to try?  Little Bobby thinks it might be nice to become a girl, and little Susie thinks, "wow, if I become a boy maybe I can play football some day."

So, I asked myself, I said "Self, instead of readin', ritin' and rithmatic, why are these supposed educators doing this.?"  And the answer hit me like a ton of the BS that they are tossing around out's a concerted effort to reduce the population by insuring that more and more of these kids, as they grow up, will be unable to procreate.  Now who wants our population to become a bunch of eunuchs down the road?  Would it be the commies sitting in Beijing?  Or Moscow?

How many of our current group of educators lean so far to the left that their cheeks could almost touch the ground?

Some parents have already seen the light and they are challenging school districts/boards/commissions on this trend.  It's time that more parents, grandparents and others get involved to stop this malicious sick attack on the children of this country.  And when it comes time to elect folks to school boards, commissions or what ever they are called in your area, don't vote for those that support brainwashing kids about this subject.

If ya wanna teach, then teach, but don't indoctrinate, especially something that could destroy lives.  Yes, like the folks who transitioned early in life and then realized it wasn't what it was cracked up to be.