Just a remidner that the public hearing for the proposed Community Improvement District at 10 Quivira Plaza (SMP & Quivira Rd) is scheduled for the regular council meeting on Monday May 10, 2010. The regular meeting will follow the special meeting regarding the selection of a replacement to fill the Ward 1 council seat.
Remember, part of the CID is the establishment of a 1% additional sales tax for the shops in that center, to help fund the improvements.
It is amazing how two newspapers handled the reporting of the postponement of the public hearing from March 26th to May 10th.
The KC Star reported on the 1% sales tax (scroll down to other business on this link): http://www.kansascity.com/2010/04/30/1912476/temporary-street-will-help-during.html
The Shawnee Dispatch somehow failed to mention the proposed sales tax increase (scroll down to other business on this link):
Methinks citizen input on this is important, and folks might want to try and show up to voice their opinions.