Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Kevin Makalous Misleads & Misinforms

Kevin Makalous, candidate for a Ward 4 city council seat in Shawnee posted the below item on his Facebook page.  You can read his entire page at https://www.facebook.com/Kevin4Shawnee/.

If you want you can click on the image for a larger version.

You can also read the email thread by clicking here http://shawneeray.blogspot.com/2021/08/kevin-makalous-is-wrong-for-ward-4-in.html

I'll try and keep this short and sweet.  I didn't refuse to meet with this individual.  He just did not like the idea that I wanted to record the conversation and have a third party present.  These are actions that left wing liberal liars don't like to have happen.

The divisive item (which he refuse to mention in his post) was the teaching of critical race theory in our schools.  Eventually he admitted that he aligned with the thoughts of David French.  Do a "google" on French.  A person who definitely supports critical race theory.

He claims I did not publish his last email asking again to meet.  Hmmm, did I miss that one?  Does it matter?

Interesting that he tells folks they can read the info at my blog but does not provide a link.  At least I provided a link to his FB page.

Does he mislead?  Does he misinform?  Or, is he an outright liar?  Read the emails and decide for yourself.

Do we need or want someone who is a far out left wing socialist whacko on the city council?  Someone who is a disciple of the current far left council rep Lindsey Constance?  This has been mentioned before, but in case you did not read it, here's the deal.  Constance filed to run for reelection, and then on the last day that withdrawal was permitted, 6/1/21
she withdrew.  That was also the last day that a candidate could file to run, And that is what Makalous did.  And, Constance wound up as his campaign treasurer. All documents are viewable at the JoCo election web site. Hmmmm, how long had they been planning that?