Thursday, October 21, 2021

Were Eric Persson's Comments Hypocritical?

 Reference my post of 10/16/21 concerning Persson's comments about Mike Kemmling who spends one night a week (2 days) away from Shawnee . .  Persson, as is typical for a liberal demo who likes to present false information posted this on his FB page "To my knowledge, my opponent spends the bulk of his time outside of Shawnee and is therefore not actually knocking on doors himself."  That is why I posted my commentary on 10/16/21.

Now, let's see what might be hypocrisy on the part of Persson. The following items were posted by Persson on his LinkedIn page:

"I am currently looking to hire a talented Sales Representatives for my team in the Salt Lake City area"

"I am currently looking to hire a talented Sales Representatives for my team in the Oklahoma City or Wichita area."

Hmmm, now I don't know how his company functions but if you hire new sales reps don't you have to spend time with them?  And considering the distances, wouldn't one go out for multiple days at a time?  And, what other areas that are distant from Shawnee does he or will he have subordinates?  And what happens if the new hires don't make it?  The process starts over!!  Does that mean more travels out of town? And what about the ones that stick around.  How often would he travel to work with them?   Just something to think about.  Maybe he needs to provide the voters of Ward 2 with hip waders for whenever he speaks?

Additional info about my previous post of 10/20/21 concerning Kevin Makalous:  Some folks have asked for me to be more specific about saying he slept thru law school.  OK, he says nobody is illegal.  Try this:  We have laws in this country on the legal methods of immigrating here.  When a person violates those laws they are here illegally.  Hence the term "illegal alien or illegal immigrant".  All of the other feel good, PC terms are a bunch of nonsense.