Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Sophia Theodore Is Wrong for Shawnee - Ward 1 Council

 Oh my gosh.  Wasn't this nice?  Sophia Theodore posted well wishes to all the Shawnee workers.  Now take a closer look.  Do you see that clenched fist symbol in the right hand area?  That symbol has, for many years, become associated with communism.  That's right!!  Don't believe me?  Look it up for yourself.  You can click on the image to make it larger.

Hmmm, is she another one of these left leaning liberals who are part of what the problem is today in this country?  Starting at the lower levels of government and then creeping up to the top.  Probably, considering her campaign treasurer is one of the most liberal left wingers on the current council.  She is running to replace him, since he chose not to run again.  

Her web site indicates that she is in favor of more commercial businesses so as to reduce the tax burden on private home owners.  But, just like Persson who is running in Ward 2 (see my previous post).  She is talking a good game but reality would set in.  What do I mean?  Because she would most likely approve every project with heavy incentives, thereby giving away the farm with the city not seeing any appreciable changes in the tax base.  Projects are good, but incentives have to be selective as to who gets them.  The liberal majority on the council just willy nilly gives them to everybody.  And she would most likely follow suit.  Why else would Matt Zimmerman not only support her, but take on the role of her campaign treasurer.

If you want a council member in Ward 1 who will be selective as to who gets incentives and therefore realistically work towards reducing the burden on homeowners then you want Tony Gillette.