Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Repeating Info For Veterans

Memorial Day this year is Monday, the 28th.  There will be various activities in the metro area.
Some of these activities will most likely include the playing of the national anthem and the colors being raised or marching by.

As such, I'd like to repeat a post from last year:

The Defense Authorization Acts of 2008 and 2009 had some interesting changes.

Veterans, and active duty military in civilian clothing now have the option of rendering the military style hand salute instead of the civilian hand over the chest salute. This applies to the raising, lowering or passing of the colors as well as during the playing of the National Anthem.

Those individuals who are wearing cover (hats/caps for the uninformed civilians) may keep the cover on while rendering the hand salute. If they choose to perform the civilian hand over the chest then they should remove their cover, and hold it over their chest.