Friday, July 19, 2013

The Oracle at Shawnee

The ancient Greeks had their Oracle at Delphi, located in the Temple of Apollo.

We have our Oracle at Shawnee located in Gum Springs Park.  It is from the slides of the play area that we get our visions into the future.

Last night I inquired of the Oracle, "Oh Oracle, with all your wisdom, will the city get a new position added to city staff, that of Public Information Officer?"

And the Oracle responded, "It is an action that will happen.  The Circle of the Octagon has five points that will do the bidding of the tiny one.  The tiny one wields a sword that turns its masters into mere  vassals and makes the vassal the master."

At that I then asked the Oracle, "Oh Oracle, I beseech thee, and who shall be given this new lofty position?"

To this the Oracle then responded, "I see in the mist a man walking towards a chair so inscribed PIO.  A nice man, and one who is familiar.  One who has occupied another chair in the House of Shawnee, but had left it for another Kingdom.  One who has returned to the House of Shawnee, but to occupy a smaller chair, awaiting the loftier one."

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