Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Will The Mayor Permit Public Input?

The city has now published the info as to the procedures for filling the soon to be vacated council set of Dawn Kuhn.  See

As a result of what has happened/not happened at previous meetings related to the appointment of council persons I have written Mayor Jeff Meyers and asked a very simple direct question.  Am curious as to what his response will be.

Here is the letter:


 The following info is from the city’s web site concerning the above subject:
  • On October 28, 2013, each applicant will be asked to give a 3 minute statement explaining why they are interested in serving as the Ward III Council Member. Following their statement, applicants will be asked to respond to questions from Governing Body members.
  • The order of statements will be determined by random draw.
  • Immediately following all the statements, the Governing Body will have any discussion they deem appropriate. The Governing Body may vote on the appointment at this time, or may delay taking action.
  • If an appointment is approved, the individual selected will be sworn into office at that time.
At the meeting which appointed Mr. Neighbor to the council, public input was allowed.
At the meeting which appointed Mr. Willoughby to the council, public input was not allowed.
Will public input be allowed at the meeting on October 28th?

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