Monday, March 12, 2012

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Election campaigns.  Wow, can they get interesting.

Now we have individuals claiming that the challengers for council and mayor are spreading lies.  Believe Jeff Vaught is one of those making those claims.

For Vaught's sake, let's keep it real simple.  When a challenger claims that an opponent is for or against something, and then can cite the opponent's vote on the issue, including the date, how can that be a lie?

What is a lie?  Is a lie when Vaught failed to be totally forthcoming during the CID hearings.  You remember, when he tried to show that Liberty, MO had 2 CIDs and that both had grocery stores.  He failed to advise folks that in Missouri consumers pay less taxes on food than on non-food items in grocery stores.  Was that a failure of him to do his research properly?  Or did somebody feed him the information?  Or, was he lying by omission?  Whatever, he wasn't totally straightforward.

Oh, I know, it's only fibbing when his wardmate, Motormouth Kuhn can't even be honest with an elderly citizen. Remember, when an elderly gentleman asked for the volume to be turned up at a council meeting and Kuhn said the mikes weren't part of the PA system.  And they are.............but that wasn't lying, that was just misinforming or something like that...............right?  Couldn't have been lying as Vaught never said anything, and the poor elderly gentleman was left struggling to hear what was going on.

Oh well, am sure there are other times when Vaught let things least for those who he supports, or who tell him what to say.  But he can accuse the challengers of lying, when they are telling the truth.  Golly gee, he is a confused person, at least in my opinion.