Gee Jim, do you really think you can tap dance around and fool people?
In his ad that appeared in the hard copy of the Shawnee Dispatch 3/21/12 on page 7 he makes some statements in his bid to get votes:
"Jim Neighbor retired as a Captain with United Airlines after 34 years of flying. He prepares for Council meetings with the same attention to detail as he did planning each flight."
How do we know that you are well prepared? Because you say so? Because a member of the community said that a few weeks ago (see my post Macheers Makes Sense, below).? We don't know how well prepared you are because you hardly ever say anything. We very seldom know why you vote the way you do, because you do not express your opinions. You function more like a wind up doll, casting a vote based on possibly what you've been told to do. By the way, civility at council meetings does not mean keeping your mouth shut.
Jim Neighbor has never missed a budget planning session or a council meeting vote on the budget or when tax dollars are spent.
It's nice to know that you get a perfect attendance award. But it is obvious that you do not wish to publicize your voting record. Why do you emphasize your attendance record rather than your voting record? Is it because your voting record would be considered not to be in Shawnee's best interests? Like voting for the CID at 10 Quivira Plaza? Like voting to eliminate detailed meeting minutes?
Tell us, how do you feel about the way you were appointed to the council, rather than an election being called? What about Cheryl Scott's delayed resignation? What do you think about that? And then, when there was no election scheduled, that it would appear you were not the best qualified to be appointed?
Folks in Ward 1, please strongly consider Charles Macheers over Jim Neighbor on election day, April 3, 2012.