Sunday, March 18, 2012

Macheers Makes Sense

Charles Macheers makes alot of sense and should be elected as the new councuil member in Ward 1 to replace Jim Neighbor.

Want to know what he stands for?  Just go here

Funny thing happened prior to a council meeting a few weeks ago.  Another member of the community came up to me and said regardless of how he got into office (Neighbor was the beneficiary of the Cheryl Scott debacle), that Neighbor was the most prepared of all the council people prior to each meeting.  This person then added, that he felt that way, even though Neighbor hardly ever opened his mouth to explain his position or why he was in favor or against any item.  He just usually keeps his mouth shut and then votes.  So, how did this individual come to the conclusion that he was the "best prepared"?

Anyway, Charles Macheers would be a heck of an improvement.  Especially when one considers that Neighbor voted for the 5% CID at 10 Quivira and voted to eliminate the detailed council meeting minutes.  Naughty, naughty, Neighbor